Augmenting capabilities thru AI

Siren Analytics has in-house capabilities to bring you the latest computer vision, natural language processing, ​and data science technologies. Our AI team, comprising experts with both academic and professional ​backgrounds—including data engineers, data scientists, AI/ML engineers, mathematicians, statisticians, and ​ethics and compliance specialists—provides you with unparalleled support. We work closely with you to ​identify how AI can enhance your team's productivity, capability, and effectiveness. Together, we’ll then ​develop intelligent, user-friendly solutions tailored to achieve those goals.


Our NLP technologies enable natural interactions between humans and machines. We commonly deploy the following capabilities in our ​solutions: sentiment analysis, prompt engineering, chatbots, contextual understanding, language agnostic text processing and generation.

What this delivers to you and your team

Enhanced user

/media analysis

Cost-effective, 24/7 ​customer support

Quick access to the ​content ​you need

Generative AI chat bots

Our chatbots, powered by Generative AI, deliver multilingual ​support with a strong emphasis on Arabic. They excel in ​understanding and generating nuanced Arabic content, providing ​accurate and context-aware responses. Tailored to specialized ​domains, our chatbotsoffer precise and informed answers,ensuring ​expert interaction every time.

Legal AI

We have developed a sophisticated legal chatbot that assists users ​by understanding their legal claims and providing detailed legal ​analysis.

The chatbot's design emphasises transparency; it cites specific legal ​articles and the documents from which information is drawn with ​every response. This not only ensures accuracy but also prevents ​any factual misrepresentations or hallucinations in outputs.

Dalil - Our AI-powered media monitoring and

analysis tools

A cutting-edge platform that enables faster access to accurate ​information through AI-powered monitoring and analysis tools.

Dalil gathers data from diverse news outlets in varying languages. ​It’s AI clusters articles by topic and volume, providing users with a ​holistic view of trending issues.

Dalil’s comprehensive verification suite features a blend of ​proprietary and open-source analysis tools to help evaluate the ​reliability of images, videos and text. This includes using AI to flag ​subjective speech and rhetorical devices intended to sway reader ​perceptions.

AI for business

We have developed a multi-component system to assist with ​business development. It offers the following capabilities:

  • Generation of presentations showcasing company qualifications ​matched to specific projects or tenders
  • Extraction of key information from RFPs, like scope of work.
  • Conversion of CVs based on expertise, allowing for field-specific ​adjustments
  • Document translation, while preserving the original format, ​including text direction changes


We have experience in a wide range of advanced computer vision technologies. Our most recent products incorporate capabilities including: ​geospatial intelligence, 3D street image analysis, object detection and recognition, automated image classification, visual Q&A, and visual ​search and matching.

What this delivers to you and your team

Accelerated inventory ​management

Enhanced mapping and ​situational awareness

Instant anomaly


Environmental monitoring

Our Quarries monitoring platform analyses satellite imagery to ​identify and monitor quarrying activity. It uses image analysis to ​determine the surface area and depth of the quarries, providing ​crucial information for monitoring and management.

Security operations

Our platform for security agencies, Fenix, conducts 3D street image ​analysis to assist in operational planning and resource deployment ​around public order events. A separate module maintains a ​comprehensive image directory of lost items. Users describe their ​lost items, and the system matches them with items in the directory ​using advanced categorization techniques.


By leveraging advanced AI algorithms like predictive analytics, anomaly detection, and real-time monitoring, our solutions enhance efficiency, ​minimize risks, and enable proactive decision-making to optimize operations and resource management.

What this delivers to you and your team

Informed decision-making ​through predictive insights

Improved efficiency with ​data-driven forecasts

Reduced uncertainty in ​planning and operations

AI powered crime prevention

With extensive experience in predicting crimes and identifying high-​risk areas, Fenix's AI solution utilize geospatial intelligence, pattern ​recognition, and predictive modeling to assist law enforcement ​agencies in preventing criminal activities and optimizing resource ​allocation.


We help organisations better understand, visualise and use data to inform decision making. Our solutions incorporate the latest developments ​in data science, helping our partners through predictive analytics, real-time data processing, interactive data visulisation, real-time monitoring ​dashboards, and more.

What this delivers to you and your team

Accelerated trend ​identification and response

Clear and impactful data ​communication - with your ​teams and the public

Greater operational ​transparency

SiVis - Our innovative data visualization tool

SiVis is a business intelligence tool featuring unrivalled security and ​customisation. Its AI ‘talk to your data’ chatbot enables you to ​describe the filters and dashboards you need, with Sivis then ​configuring intuitive, dynamic graphs and charts to display your ​data.

Sivis also features explanatory data analysis, enabling automated ​anomaly and missing value identification and the flagging of ​relationships, patterns, and trends across different categories or ​attributes.


Our solutions are used by numerous public sector agencies to facilitate data-driven decision making and streamline operations. We would be ​pleased to schedule a meeting to disucss how we might serve your specific requirements.

Beirut Digital District, Building 1227, ​Bloc A, 9th Floor, Beirut, Lebanon​

Shaban Complex, Building number 1, ​Mazen Al Kurdi Street, Amman – Jordan

Celbridge, Co. Kildare. W23 KN99
